The best way to prepare for life is to begin to live. -Elbert Hubbard


Crystal <3 
One of the bestest cousins, I've ever had in my life! 
She's been there for me for almost my whole life.
Whenever she needs someone to talk to, I'm there. 
She's amazing <3
We will always stay super close, no matter what happens :)
We went to bangor at the beginning of the school year for school shopping, and we got matching shirts :) The shirt she is wearing are our matching shirts. ahahaha ! 
I love heeeeeerr !

Kate  :) 
My bus buddy.
She is a natural red head which is awesome,
and she is full of spirit and energy :)
She's pretty awesome and a good friend!!! <3

Annie :) 
Well, she's only in 8th grade, but hey. she's an awesome friend :)
She's so cute !
She'll always be there for me, and so will I :)

Lynne ! 
I've moved away, so I'm not able to see her as much anymore.
But, I've hung out with her since the 8th grade :) 
She's been a really good friend, and I've been through a lot with this girl ! 
I miss her, hope I'll see her soon :) 

Julie <3
Hollay, I tell you this girl is strong.
She's going through a lot, and still goes to school with a smile on her face. 
She's a really good friend, and I'll be there for her when she needs me. 
She's one of my bestest friends!
I love her <3

Well, she's pretty awesome.
People talk about her behind her back sometimes,
but I always stand up for her, because she's an awesome person.
She doesn't deserve to be treated like that !
I'll be here for her whenever she needs me,
because I'm that kind of person that's there for their friends <3
She's awesome !

Jakob :) 
I love this kid i can tell you that.
Wicked strange, but that's okay.
I am too!
i love him to bits, as a friend of course!
One of my really really good friends :)