The best way to prepare for life is to begin to live. -Elbert Hubbard

Friday, April 15, 2011

Spring Break;


;Alright, well I was supost to go at my moms for spring break in canada, and I live in the usa with my dad right now.. and so. work called, they said that i was working tuesday, thursday, and friday.
;I was extremly dissapointed. It had ruined my day; but on the plus side, I said.. Well, atleast I'll make some extra money ya know ?
;But then, I realized that my parents at home were doing spring cleaning, like the whole nine yards.. and they're re-painting the whole house, so nooooow.. i'm stuck at home, helping them do that, while I could be in canada hanging out with my friends that I haven't seen in forever !

;What a life.. 
--That is what I call, my simple life--
**Claudia- <3

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