The best way to prepare for life is to begin to live. -Elbert Hubbard

Sunday, August 21, 2011

I Heart Boobies Foundation

So. You've obviously heard about the "I <3 Boobies" Bracelets. If not, this is what it is, and looks like.
It looks weird, and you might be like. "Wow. That person is very open with the world!" Hahah, well it's not what you think. I heart boobies bracelets is a foundation to support breast cancer awareness. It helps raise money to help people that have breast cancer. Also, it really is a good accessory for your arm. I have three of them. Blue, Black, and White one. Three of them is honestly enough for me. I just love the feeling that I helped in some way.
I love these bracelets.

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